Wednesday, September 3, 2014

12 hours, no media

As the twelve hours without media finally pass I open my phone to 14 missed calls, 27 text messages and god knows how many twitter and instagram notifications. My first thought: 'ugh, what did I miss out on?'. It was a very stressful day to say the least. My roommate was suppose to pick me up from class today (it was pouring) but she had a meeting with her advisor that she had forgot about. So, I got to stand in the rain waiting for her arrival before realizing she wasn't coming. The walk home from the rain was extremely unfortunate to say the least.

I ate lunch alone because I couldn't find out where any of my friends were. I felt so out of place in the world. I kept remembering things I wanted to check all day, I would grab my phone just out of a natural habit and realize I can't use it. It was an all day thing for me. As I was walking around seeing everyones head automatically looking down at a cell phone I almost felt like I was missing out on everything that was going on over social media. As angry as I was with it, it opened my eyes so much. It really is sad on how much we depend on media these days. If its this bad already I can't imagine how it will be when we are older and have kids of our own.

I think what effected my daily life the most was feeling so out of the loop. My friends were all hanging out and I couldn't figure out which room they were in because I wasn't able to get in touch with them. I wanted to constantly check twitter and instagram to see whats going on. It drove me crazy.

12 hours without media was terrifying for me, but it helped me realize how dependent I am on it. I really need to work on not being so caught up in social media because it isn't everything. Its just the only thing that college students these days seem to connect on. It makes people feel in the loop. I think media can be incredibly good but at the same time it can effect the way we communicate in this world today.

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